Strategic Digital Transformation

Purpose: To develop a comprehensive roadmap for digital transformation that aligns with the company’s overall business objectives and drives sustainable growth.

Assessment and Analysis

  • Current State Evaluation: Analyze existing digital capabilities and infrastructure to identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Market and Competitor Analysis: Evaluate market trends, competitor strategies, and emerging technologies to stay ahead.
  • SWOT Analysis: Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the digital landscape to inform strategy.

Strategy Development

  • Goal Setting: Define clear, measurable objectives for digital transformation.
  • Roadmap Creation: Develop a detailed plan to achieve these objectives, with specific timelines and milestones.
  • Resource Allocation: Determine and allocate the necessary financial, human, and technological resources.

Implementation Planning

  • Action Plans: Create detailed plans for executing the digital strategy, including key initiatives and projects.
  • Change Management: Develop strategies for managing organizational change, ensuring stakeholder buy-in, and minimizing disruption.
  • Performance Metrics: Establish KPIs and metrics to monitor progress and measure success.

Optimal Software Solutions

Purpose: To identify and select the best software solutions that meet the unique needs and goals of the business.

Needs Assessment

  • Requirements Gathering: Collaborate with stakeholders to understand business processes, challenges, and specific software needs.
  • Prioritization: Rank features and functionalities based on their importance to the business.

Market Research

  • Vendor Analysis: Investigate potential software vendors and solutions to find the best options.
  • Feature Comparison: Compare features, benefits, and limitations of different software solutions.
  • Cost Analysis: Evaluate the total cost of ownership, including initial purchase, implementation, and ongoing maintenance.

Evaluation and Selection

  • Demos and Trials: Coordinate software demonstrations and pilot programs to assess usability and effectiveness.
  • Scoring and Ranking: Use a structured evaluation process to score and rank each software option based on predefined criteria.
  • Final Decision: Select the software that best fits the business’s needs, budget, and strategic goals.

Seamless Software Integration

Purpose: To ensure the successful deployment and integration of the chosen software, making it an effective part of the business processes.

Project Planning

  • Implementation Plan: Develop a detailed project plan, including timelines, milestones, and resource allocation.
  • Team Assembly: Form a project team with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.


  • Installation and Configuration: Set up the software, configure it to meet the business’s specific needs, and ensure it integrates with existing systems.
  • Data Migration: Safely transfer data from old systems to the new software, ensuring data integrity and security.
  • Customization: Customize the software as needed to align with business processes and requirements.

Training and Support

  • User Training: Provide comprehensive training to ensure all users understand how to use the software effectively.
  • Documentation: Create user manuals, guides, and other documentation to support ongoing use.
  • Post-Implementation Support: Offer technical support and troubleshooting to address any issues that arise after deployment.

What’s New

Participation with research paper at the "4th International Conference on the Economics of the Decoupling (ICED)"
Achieving new competencies | I have successfully completed the course "What Can Blockchain Do for You?"
Achieving new competencies | I have successfully completed the course "Digital Manufacturing"
Participation with research paper at the International Scientific Conference "DEVELOPMENT OF THE BULGARIAN AND EUROPEAN ECONOMY – CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES"
Upcoming Book Release: 99 + 1 wertvolle Tipps fürs Leben






For any questions, inquiries, or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me:

Tel.: +49.176.376.708.10 (WhatsApp available)


Current projects I am working on in digital marketing and digital publishing direction: 
SerdikaMedia (Digital Marketing Agency)  |  Danybooks (Digital Publishing)  |  Travel Inspiration Magazine (Digital Magazine)  |  Local Culture Magazine (Digital Magazine)  |  Dream BIG Magazine (Digital Magazine)