Digital Transformation | Yordan Balabanov
Contact | Yordan Balabanov
Yordan Balabanov
Digital transformation for your success!

Secure the future of your business today...

Digital transformation
is essential for businesses to leverage advanced technologies, streamline operations, enhance customer engagement, and capitalize on emerging opportunities, ensuring sustained growth and success in today's dynamic digital landscape.

My services drive business growth through Strategic Digital Transformation, Optimal Software Solutions, and Seamless Integration.

Strategic Digital Transformation

Purpose: To develop a comprehensive roadmap for digital transformation that aligns with the company’s overall business objectives and drives sustainable growth.


Optimal Software Solutions

Purpose: To identify and select the best software solutions that meet the unique needs and goals of the business.


Seamless Software Integration

Purpose: To ensure the successful deployment and integration of the chosen software, making it an effective part of the business processes.


What’s New

Participation with research paper at the "4th International Conference on the Economics of the Decoupling (ICED)"
Achieving new competencies | I have successfully completed the course "What Can Blockchain Do for You?"
Achieving new competencies | I have successfully completed the course "Digital Manufacturing"
Participation with research paper at the International Scientific Conference "DEVELOPMENT OF THE BULGARIAN AND EUROPEAN ECONOMY – CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES"
Upcoming Book Release: 99 + 1 wertvolle Tipps fürs Leben






For any questions, inquiries, or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me:

Tel.: +49.176.376.708.10 (WhatsApp available)


Current projects I am working on in digital marketing and digital publishing direction: 
SerdikaMedia (Digital Marketing Agency)  |  Danybooks (Digital Publishing)  |  Travel Inspiration Magazine (Digital Magazine)  |  Local Culture Magazine (Digital Magazine)  |  Dream BIG Magazine (Digital Magazine)